ALICE COOPER Too Pricey For Michigan State Fair

July 15, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard alice cooper

Santiago Esparza from is reporting:

While a battle wages over whether to fund the Michigan State Fair next year, there already is a casualty - hometown rocker ALICE COOPER.

"Alice Cooper won't be here this year," fair general manager Bob Porter said. "We couldn't afford him and he is doing a tour in Australia."

Gov. Jennifer Granholm cut funding for the fair in the next fiscal year's budget; boosters are fighting to get the funding restored as the state grapples with a budget crisis.

If funding is not lined up, this year's fair - which runs from Aug. 28 to Sept. 7 - will be the last one.

Sponsorships are down, and Porter said it costs about $4.3 million to stage the State Fair, the oldest of its kind in the nation. Fair sponsorship is down about $125,000, according to the April minutes of the State Fair Board of Authority.

"For all those people who have made the fair home every year ... this could be their last shot," Porter said.

Cooper has been a mainstay at the fair for decades, usually playing the last day of the annual attraction.

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