ANVIL CHORUS - "We Have Not Dropped Off The Face Of The Earth"

January 9, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news anvil chorus

Reunited 80s progressive NWOSFHM band ANVIL CHORUS check in with the following update:

"We have not dropped off the face of the earth! This is what we have been up to...

In shopping the recorded tunes, we have recieved interest from several independedent labels in the US and Europe and are ironing out how we can get this thing released ASAP.

We are currently still in mixing mode!!!!! Arghhhhhh!!! Monetary issues have kept us stuck and unable to proceed through the last couple of months.

As mentioned a while ago, we have two extremley capable and dedicated new members. We have been seriously rehearsing new material as well as choice old stuff with the hopes of setting up some local gigs real soon. We are looking for an inventive keyboard player to join the fold as well.

We remain comitted to having the album out soon and appreciate the support from all who continue to stick by us."

More on Anvil Chorus at this location.

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