ANVIL Joined On Stage In Sweden By Ex-CANDLEMASS Vocalist MESSIAH MARCOLIN, LION'S SHARE Guitarist LARS CHRISS For "Forged In Fire"; Fan-Filmed Video
October 27, 2024, a month ago
Last night (Saturday, October 26), Anvil performed at Encore in Sundbyberg, Sweden. The Canadian trio brought former Candlmass singer Messiah Marcolin, and Lion's Share guitarist Lars Chriss up to perform the classic Anvil song "Forged In Fire". Fan-filmed video can be enjoyed below.
Anvil's remaining European tour dates are listed below.
30 - Ogna, Norway - Ogna Scene
31 - Notodden, Norway - Telerock
1 - Gjerdrum, Norway - Rockclub
2 - Vara, Sweden - Vara In Rock Festival
6 - Kopenhagen, Denmark - Rust
7 - Tilburg, Netherlands - Little Devil
8 - Regensburg, Germany - Airport Obertraubling
9 - Selb, Germany - Rockclub Nordbayern
10 - Mannheim, Germany - 7er Club
11 - Pratteln, Switzerland - Z7
13 - Lyon, France - Rock n Eat
14 - Milan, Italy - Legend
15 - Rome, Italy - Traffic
16 - San Donna di Piave, Italy - Revolver
17 - Bologna, Italy - Alchemica
20 - Osnabrück, Germany - Bastard Club
21 - Siegburg, Germany - Kubana
22 - Weissenhäuser Strand, Germany - MH Paradise
25 - München, Germany - Backstage Club
26 - Kufstein, Austria - Kulturfabrik
27 - Ittre, Belgium - Zik Zak
28 - Hannover, Germany - Bei Chez Heinz
29 - Diest, Belgium - Hell
30 - Heerlen, Netherlands - Nieuwe Nor
1 - Hamburg, Germany - Logo
3 - Berlin, Germany - Frannz
Order Anvil's new album, One And Only, here.
"One And Only"
"Feed Your Fantasy"
"Fight For Your Rights"
"Gold And Diamonds"
"Dead Man Shoes"
"Truth Is Dying"
"Rocking The World"
"Run Away"
"World Of Fools"
"Condemned Liberty"
"Blind Rage"
"World Of Fools":
"Truth Is Dying":
"Feed Your Fantasy" video: