APRIL WINE's Myles Goodwyn - "We Generate More Money With Our Touring Now Than We Ever Have..."

September 29, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard april wine

Classic Rock Revisited has issued an interview with APRIL WINE frontman Myles Goodwyn. The following is an excerpt from the interview, conducted by Jeb Wright:

Q: Had music frustrated you at certain time over the past decade or so? April Wine seems to go for a while and then stop. We never get you down here in the States.

A: "We work a lot. We generate more money with our touring now than we ever have and we work a little less than we used to. We live in an ideal world. I don’t know how it happened. I saw a guy in the supermarket today, I am hitting the road tomorrow, so I was just grabbing something for tonight. He says, 'Do you guys still play?' I said, 'I am going down to Missouri tomorrow for the weekend.' He said, 'I wasn’t sure if you still played.' I told him, 'We don’t stop. We record and then we play, and we play, and we play'.

We don’t play much outside of Canada but we are very busy here. The only time we stop is around the holidays. We still need some time off. We need that period to travel, relax and record. Around April, we get busy until the end of November. I am frustrated about not playing more in the States. I would like to play more in the States and I know that a lot of our contemporaries play there a lot. We are very good friends with the guys in LOVERBOY and they play there a lot more than we do. I am at a loss about it. I have been told that because of mismanagement, misdirection or misfortune, or whatever you want to call it, that we were looked at as more of a bar band. With our needs, we can’t afford to be a bar band. We do bars in Canada from time-to-time but we mostly play theaters, festivals and arenas.

We are not perceived in the United States quite the same way. We will go down there and do a festival, and play in the middle of the pack, and get a great reaction. Promoters come up to us and say, 'You guys were so hot. There has been a buzz about April Wine since we announced you were going to play here.' We will say, 'That is great. Maybe we will see you next year or the year after.' Then we don’t hear back. We get nothing but compliments but we don’t seem to come back."

Read the full interview at Classic Rock Revisited.

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