AVANTASIA - New Album Expected By The End Of The Year

February 15, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news avantasia

According to a brief post by EDGUY frontman Tobias Sammet's webmaster, a new AVANTASIA album is expected to be released by the end of the year. Sammet has yet to confirm if this is in fact more than a tentative plan. More details will be made available soon.

As previously reported, in a recent interview with BW&BK; about the new Edguy album, Tinnitus Sanctus, frontman Sammet discussed the success of his Avantasia all-star project's last album, The Scarecrow, and the world tour that followed in the summer of 2008:

“It (the tour) was very stressful, but when you do something that you love it’s not as heavy as if you’re working in a factory or something. It was very successful, and I think everybody involved was really postively shocked by the response of the people. We only did big festivals, big headline slots, and I think that kind of made up for all the effort and hard work and travelling around the world being in a totally different time zone every second day. It really was an adventure. I’ve been touring for a long time, and I think I’ve played Wacken four times with Edguy, but I’ve never, every experienced anything like the show Avantasia did at Wacken. It was officially 80,000 people in attendance, and probably not everybody was interested in us, but it was just a huge mass of people in front of the stage, an ocean of hands, and I’ve never experienced that. The whole thing was way big than I ever dared to dream.”

A new Avantasia album is inevitable somewhere down the line, but would another large scale tour be possible?

“Definitely," says Sammet. I’m certainly thinking about it. I don’t know if it’s going to happen because I’m quite aware that everybody has their own schedules. It was really hard to organize that tour, but somehow the stars aligned and everybody who was needed (Jorn Lande, Andre Matos, Amanda Somerville, Sascha Paeth) was available for that particular timeframe. I don’t know if that will ever happen again, but if it does and Edguy won’t be on tour and I’m free for a certain amount of time, I’d do it willingly. Everybody was so happy doing it and so surprised by how much fun we had.”

Watch for the full interview in BW&BK; #114.

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