CARACH ANGREN - Studio Video Report #1 Posted

January 24, 2012, 12 years ago

carach angren news life in black

Last October, Season Of Mist signed a deal with symphonic black metallers CARACH ANGREN. The Dutch band is currently at Tidal Wave studio in Karlsruhe, Germany, hard at work on their forthcoming third album, which title is yet to be unveiled.

The band have posted a first studio video report, which can be seen below:

Upon their signing with Season Of Mist, Carach Angren issued the following:

"We are very proud to be on SOM's roster! This covenant will enable us to release more hauntings upon the world in the years to come. Furthermore we want to thank everyone (crew, friends, fans) for supporting us over the years, especially Phil/ Maddening Media who put us on the map!"

Updates to follow. More on Carach Angren at this location.

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