CATTLE DECAPITATION "To Take Gore Abroad" Next Year

December 31, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news cattle decapitation

Singer Travis Ryan from California-based grinders CATTLE DECAPITATION has issued the following update:

"Cattle Decapitation has been back at home in San Diego, CA for the past couple weeks after completing our first headlining tour of the states with GOATWHORE, DAATH and LAIR OF THE MINOTAUR on selected dates… We had an amazing time and we’d like to thank all the fans that came out to the shows!!! We’d also like to thank Daath, Lair Of The Minotaur (it’s a shame they had to jump off the tour-come to the west coast putos!), Goatwhore and especially drummer Kevin Talley for coming through for us on this tour! We had a great time jamming with you and good luck with Daath! We have some surprises coming for the people of the world this year! We finally plan to take our gore abroad to the rest of the world! We’re also doing the tour our long time fans and friends have been waiting for! Details on all of this will be available in the new year!!!"

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