CLOUDSCAPE Writing New Album For 2010 Release

December 30, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news cloudscape

Swedish prog-metallers CLOUDSCAPE have issued the following year-end update:

"Cloudscape wishes a happy new year to all of you. They also wanna say thanks to you for all cool messages, e-mails and support in 2009 and the band really hope that you'll stick with them and continue to support Cloudscape.

2009 have officially been kind of a quiet year for Cloudscape. A few sad things have happened like the departure of Roger Landin and Haynes Pherson but, luckily Cloudscape found great replacements in drummer Fredrik Joakimsson and bass player Håkan Nyander. During 2009 Cloudscape have mainly rehearsed their repertoire with Håkan and Fredrik plus performed a few concerts but, most of the time have been dedicated to the song-writing process for the fourth album. Cloudscape have written plenty of songs and they feel really happy and satisfied with them but, it's still too early to promise a 2010 release. Cloudscape will also try to get more concerts organized during 2010 so, if you live nearby a serious metal festival ´please don't hesitate to request Cloudscape for a slot.

That's all for now and more news will follow shortly."

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