April 20, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news dreambreed dave pybus cradle of filth

CRADLE OF FILTH bassist Dabe Pybus releases the final recordings from his former band DREAMBREED today (April 21st). The album, entitled Misery Sessions, is available via SixSixSix Records and at this location. recently caught up with Pybus to discuss the release. The following is an excerpt from the interview.

Q: Dave, Misery Sessions was recorded back in 1997. Eleven years later, do you feel you have gone full-circle with your music, releasing a record sounding closer to your work with ANATHEMA, notably on the excellent Judgement, than your current work with COF.

Pybus: "Firstly, I must say that these past few years have gone so fast it sometimes feels like yesterday I was doing Dreambreed anyway. The intention was always there to get this recording released at some point. The biggest reason holding it back was that I couldn't locate the master ADATS to be able to fully remix the songs. Re-recording anything was out of the question and all I could find was the last mix that was on a DAT at a friends house. I managed to get that back in late January 2008 and remastered it in the self-built studio which belongs to the co-owner of my label Sixsixsix Records, Paul Beavis. We put all the pieces together to finally finish it and get it released on the label. I got the artwork done by a fan in Colombia which was great for us. And it feels like a small gap in my history has now been revealed. The last few years of Dreambreed was quite a slow decline and we did try and hold it together for as long as possible, so that feels good to recognize that period with that should have been released back then."

Q: Do you have any plans for a new Dreambreed release, and if so, how far along in the pipeline is it?

Pybus: "There is only two options left for the band, depending entirely on demand. I could release older recordings if I felt it was needed, and I could re-form the band in some way to do some live shows. But... this isn't the aim right now, and I could say with confidence it would have to be a new line-up. So we'll just have to see where this is in a year to find out. Would be interesting if it finally did take off after so long."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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