CRADLE OF FILTH - Q&A Session With Bassist DAVE PYBUS Available

January 13, 2007, 17 years ago

news life in black dave pybus cradle of filth

The following is a Q&A; session with CRADLE OF FILTH bassist Dave Pybus featuring questions submitted to the band's record label (Roadrunner) by the fans:

Q: What was the most astonishing thing that has happened to you when you were on tour?

Pybus "I survived!!! haha. No seriously, I met a guy who was in the Navy recently. On Submarines. They would go away for six month periods where he had no idea where they were (Top Secret), underwater, no booze and no women. So looking at it from his view, touring is easy."

Q: Firstly, I love your band I think it rocks and is so unique. what are your favorite bands when you were a child compared to now?

Pybus: "I grew up on AC/DC and that still, to me, remains the best band in the world."

Q: What's the best album you ever listen to?? How did you come up with a cover of 'Temptation' on your last album

Pybus: "Best album...there's more than one. Early METALLICA kind changed things for me, but maybe that was my age and the timing or whatever. I took a six month break from COF in 2005 and when I returned demos for 'Temptation' had already been done, so I wasn't sure of the reason for choosing that particular track. Got out of answering that pretty well, didn't I haha."

Q: Describe your music career in one word?

Pybus: "Interesting."

Q: Which album did you like working on most and why?

Pybus: "Never used to enjoy studios but these days I've learnt patience and so take that process as more of a chance to express oneself and not be such a torture. Recording can be quite stressful sometimes though and so, take a deep breath and... relax."

Q: Where has been your favourite place to tour and why?

Pybus: "Currently the USA, but that's because we are going there for the first time in two years. We just did Europe and the UK, and after doing America I will probably change my mind and say Europe and the UK are better. Who knows. The grass always seems greener... etc..."

Q: What is the most bizarre thing that someone has ever done for you?

Pybus: "My mum giving birth to me!!"

Q: What are some new things that we can expect from Cradle in the future?

Pybus: "More more more... hopefully better better better. Always looking to do new things. We will never stay the same for long."

Q: Imagine you meet the Pope himself :), what question do you ask him?

Pybus: "Want a 'Jesus is a C**T' shirt mate?"

Q: Do you think that Thornography will be last last album? Or are you planning to make other glorious creations in the future?

Pybus: "I don't think there is any plans to stop now. The touring for Thornography is the next step and might be a year away from starting the next album, so it might seem like ages away. But no, Thornography won't be the last."

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