Dan Swanö - "I Will Never Be 100% Satisfied With Any Album Ever"

June 7, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news

Dan Swanö fan site, www.swano.net, recently conducted an interview with former EDGE OF SANITY, BLOODBATH vocalist Dan Swanö regarding the new NIGHTINGALE album. The following is an excerpt of the interview:

Swano.net: Many bands seem to be interested in your services for mixing albums, do you have a possibility to accept all given jobs, or do you have to thank "no" to many bands?

Swanö: "So far I haven't had to say no to more than a few jobs, mostly mastering or stuff I just wasn´t up for at the moment."

Swano.net: Just as a curiosity, have you come upon any bands that you do not want to work with again?

Swanö: "At this point in life, I do not wish with any band ever again, all I want to do is mix. Recording and producing dains me of creativity. I find it extremely boring to do the same stuff day in day out, and if you have to do something, then it better not be something related to your passion."

Swano.net: As always, your fans are always intrested to know what you listen to and any new bands you worked with that you can recommend?

Swanö: "At the moment I listen to the first ALTER BRIDGE album. One of the best rock albums ever made. Incredible everything! Apart from that I can recommend the AEON album to all Americana Death Metal fans out there... really good stuff."

Swano.net: You took your time with finalizing the new Nightingale album. I expect you are 100% satisfied?

Swanö: "I will never be 100% satisfied with any album ever. I'd say that I made my very best with the tools at hand. The White Darkness had to take a lot of changes and I have heard some of those track for hundreds of hours. I was on a massive search for a speaker system that allowed me to finally get the sound to transfer 100% to another speaker. I found the Genelec 8240 and the album pretty much mixed itself within days!"

The full interview can be found here.

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