DORO - "Heavy Metal And The Holiday Season"

December 22, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news doro

Bassist Nick Douglas, continues to report in from the DORO PESCH headlining tour of Germany:

"December 20th. Augsburg (day-off pondering):

Heavy Metal and The Holiday Season. It's like jalapeno and sugar. Or is it? Are they really all that different? They're both about the gathering of friends and/or family for a common theme. And the celebration of that theme. Both involve some 'festive' drinks, likable conversation and (of course) music. And both are (in my experience) among the friendliest environments. For over twenty years I've been to club after theater after arena after huge metal festival and back to clubs and I could count on one hand the amount of unpleasantness that broke out. When many people are grouped together, the law of averages may suggest otherwise. So how is it that such harmony can be so stable? Well, what manifests unruly behavior in the first place? Resentment? Frustration? Restriction? None of those things willfully exist at our shows. It's about fun and release. The moments to just be one's self with the camaraderie other like-minded individuals. Many of us work hard at a job all week, accepting the inevitable compromises and the celebration of your choice is kind of a way to 're-balance' oneself. So enjoy this festive season. Celebrate your friendships and families, be it a Holiday gathering or a Doro show. I think that's what's really matters.

And music really can bring the world together.

Happy Holidays from the Doro Band!"

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