EDGUY/AVANTASIA Frontman Tobias Sammet - "A Lot Of People Call Us A Sell-Out, A Pop Band - Which Is Ridiculous Bullshit"

December 2, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news avantasia edguy

EDGUY/AVANTASIA frontman Tobias Sammet has issued the following update:

"Hey folks, this message is dedicated to our fans all over the world, the real fans. The people that I really care about! The people who are really taken by the music that we write and record. I never really cared too much about what people expect and I used to get very angry about people who give us flak for just following the path we do. That's not because I do not care, that's because it is the only way to stay honest to myself - and to you! Although we have had higher chart positions in the past - due to strong other mainstream releases coming out these days - Tinnitus Sanctus seems to be our strongest selling album to date - looking at the figures - which is amazing looking at the general situation of the music market.

I wanna thank all you people out there for supporting us. I know it's not very fashionable to like us these days, a lot of people call us a sell-out, a pop band (which is ridiculous bullshit) and whatever. All I can do is play the music that I feel, no matter if it sells or not. I met ALICE (COOPER) a few days ago and he told me how much he loves The Scarecrow, I've talked to many Edguy fans recently and they told me how much they enjoy the Tinnitus Sanctus album and how much it means to them. And I am sure this wouldn't be the case if we'd record a copy of any of our previous albums. I wanna make sure that you - our true fans with brain and heart - know how much it means to me, when you love the music, and that's got nothing to do with sales. I will always be honest and I'd rather quit playing music than following the fools who don't understand what we do. Thank you and have a wonderful pre-Christmas time. We are right now preparing for the world tour and I can't wait to hit the road with my Edguy fellows again. I am sorry we won't play many festivals in 2009, but we are preparing our own big stage show right now and I think it's better for our fans to bring a big production ourselves than adjusting it to a festival stage. I am sure we will have a blast in January/February."

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