EVILE - New Interview Available

February 13, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news evile

Leviatan Metal Magazine recently caught up with EVILE guitarist Ol Drake. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

On Evile's support slot with MACHINE HEAD:

Drake: "It was our first time meeting, seeing and playing with Machine Head. Our expectations were high, as they have a great reputation in the biz (at least as far as I know). We knew they'd be tight as hell and would be on the ball 100%, which they were. Excellent live band. Robb (Flynn) was a really nice guy. He came out of his way to come and thank us for supporting. He's really up on the whole new 'revival' Thrash scene, which surprised me. Had a really cool time!"

On Evile's early days as a METALLICA cover band:

Drake: "I'm so glad we did the covers band thing. We learnt everything about being in a metal band from it. Life on the road, live shows etc. It opened our eyes to the different life style. Someone could be asked what their job is 'Oh I work at a bank' and we could then answer 'Oh I play noise at people and sleep on guitar cabs in a van. I don't get paid for it either!.' Generally it doesn't sound normal, so I'm glad we got into it."

On Evile's place in the resurgence of thrash:

Drake: "The album was created with a pure passion for thrash metal. We wrote the songs with a love for the music, and we recorded it with a love for the music. We didn't change styles to be in with the new 'Thrash Trend' as we were doing it years before this revival happened. I think if a band tries to be Thrash when they don't genuinely live and love the music, it shows. It's like if we tried doing some screamy-shouty-Emo haircut crap, we'd suck, because we hate it."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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