Ex-ANVIL Bassist Glenn Five - "I'd Like To Join Another Band; I Enjoy The Brotherhood And Common Goal Between Bandmates"

February 5, 2012, 12 years ago

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Former ANVIL bassist Glenn Five recently issued a press release (which can be read here) announcing his departure from the band, citing creative differences. Following is an excerpt from an interview with Glenn conducted by Hardrock Haven:

HRH: You helped sustain Anvil through periods of relative obscurity, helped fuel the success of the movie, “Anvil! The Story of Anvil,” and helped create an absolutely crushing album, Juggernaut of Justice. What are some of your favorite memories and experiences from the past 16 years with the band?

G5: "Well, it’s all been great. My entire time with Anvil has been a great ride. I’ve learned a lot, experienced some amazing things, got to travel the world and meet some amazing people along the way. Two very wonderful experiences for me took place in England.

The first was the recording of the This Is Thirteen album. Not only to work with a great producer like Chris Tsangarides, but also to spend nine weeks in the village of Kingsdown where Chris’ studio is located. Kingsdown is a small village in Kent in the South East of England. The local villagers are among some of the greatest people I’ve met and they welcomed us with open arms. I made some really great friends there that I consider my extended family, and I have been back to visit a couple of times. The second was when we went to London for the London Film Festival. The premier of our movie was awesome, complete with being joined on the red carpet by Sarah Brown, the wife of then Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.

But the best part of that particular trip was meeting the love of my life, an amazing woman who is a publicist at The Works, the company that distributed the Anvil movie. I lived the dream professionally with Anvil, but all the other things that came with it mean a great deal to me, and maybe more so at the end of the day. I don’t play in Anvil anymore but the relationships remain and I couldn’t be more grateful for having such wonderful people in my life."

HRH: Is there anything you want to say to your ex-bandmates, Steve and Robb to clear the air?

G5: "Actually there is nothing that I would say to them in this forum. One day, when our paths cross again, there will be things to say. For now, I just wish them well and continued success."

HRH: What are your musical goals for the future? Do you have a new band in the works yet that you’d like to announce?

G5: "Nothing I’d like to announce at the moment. I’ve got a few things on the go and I am entertaining offers. I’d like to join another band. I enjoy the band atmosphere, the brotherhood and common goal between bandmates is a strong thing. I want to record some of my songs as well, but I’m not sure that I would want to put a band together to play only my stuff. I much rather collaborate in a band setting, than just dictate what I want. Basically at this point in time, I’m leaving my options open and having fun and feeling creative again. Something I can say I didn’t feel in Anvil for the past year or so. Other musical goals include producing and musical directing. I’ve had great collaborating moments with great producers and have been encouraged that I can in fact be a producer. Also, I would like to get into session work. That would be a great way to widen my horizons and meet other musicians and producers. Session work would be a good opportunity to play different styles of music."

Click here for the complete interview. Check out BW&BK; scribe Aaron Small's exclusive interview with Glenn, conducted shortly after his departure was announced, at this location.

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