February 27, 2011, 13 years ago

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MAGENTA HARVEST is a new Finnish death metal band featuring current and former members of FINNTROLL, CHTHONIAN, MYGRAIN, ...AND OCEANS and HAVOC UNIT. The band released its debut EP, A Familiar Room, on February 18th. Check out audio samples of four tracks - 'Spawn Of Neglect', 'Sermon', 'Killing Sign' and 'A Familiar Room' - below.

According to a press release, Magenta Harvest started as a two man project in 2005 by Timo Kontio (Havoc Unit, O, ex-...and Oceans) and Janne (Mygrain, ex-...and Oceans). The idea for creating this band was maybe to continue making the kind of metal we used to do with '95 era of ...and Oceans. A few years went by quite fast as a duo. A lot of different things and ideas were tested during the years. Some material was created along the way though. In 2009 second guitarist Timo Hanhikangas (Total Vomit Experience) joined the band as well as bassist Jonas (Chthonian). The following year Mathias Lillmåns (Finntroll, Chthonian) joined the band.

According to the band, "when Mathias joined the band he actually came directly to the studio. Of course he didn't have any lyrics ready then, but luckily we got help from Jan (ex-Finntroll). Now at this point when the demo is ready, we can honestly say that this isn't a project anymore but a real band."

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