Former MEGADETH Guitarist Jeff Young Offers Private Lesson Update

May 12, 2008, 16 years ago

news riff notes megadeth

Former MEGADETH guitarist Jeff Young has issued the following update:

"Dear friends,

First off, i wish to thank everyone for their response and interest in Private Guitar Instruction. I didn't expect such an overwhelming turn-out! And thanks again for your patience regarding my delayed response... we've had semester mid-terms at MI/GIT so, things have been a little crazy since my initial post.

Now then, let's talk about the lesson process. As you might have gathered, i'm currently living in Hollywood, CA. If you are among the California area respondents, please reply to this mail with your phone numbers (cell, home, etc.). Next, we can speak by phone to confirm any details and answer any questions either one of us might have.

Please also reply to this mail with a brief description of your current playing status, prior education and overall guitaristic & stylistic goals.

If you live in the Dayton, Ohio / Sarasota, Florida or nearby regions, i travel to each area once a month. Each time I'm in town, we can fit in as many lessons as our mutual time allows. i already have a number of students in both states so, i have developed a methodology that will provide you more than enough material to practice until our next month's lesson(s) arrive.

I provide approx. two weeks notice each time I will be coming to your city. We will confirm your lesson times in advance and i book my plane flights accordingly so, NO CANCELATIONS PLEASE.

Likewise, please reply to this mail with a brief description of your current playing status, prior education and overall guitaristic & stylistic goals.

I also just launched internet lesson support via a private MySpace Zen Guitar Quest page. Through this portal, you may access lessons in a variety of ways including: Video, Audio, Blog and Photo Lesson Scans. This site is ever evolving and expanding. More on that later... Stay tuned.

I'm hoping to receive all your phone numbers and requested info by mid-week. Then, I will phone each of you on Thursday, Friday or Saturday of next week. Please let me know in your mail which day and time is best for us to speak for 10 minutes or so and I will do my best to ring you within that time window. Don't forget to include your time zone.

Obviously, once I phone you, you will have my personal phone number. Please keep this number for yourself and do not give it out to anyone under any circumstances. Thanks for your discretion.

OK, I think that's enough to get us off and running. I look forward to sharing a long-standing educational, magical & musical journey with each of you. So, here's to eternal learning... let's have at it!!

Warm regards, Jeff."

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