Guitar Hero: VAN HALEN Free With Guitar Hero 5 Pre-Order

August 12, 2009, 15 years ago

van halen news riff notes

Gus Mastrapa from is reporting:

The competition between the Guitar Hero and Rock Band brands has always been fierce. This year, Activision is getting down-right aggressive in its attempts to out-sell its competitor.

Those who pre-order Guitar Hero 5 through the official Guitar Hero website will nab a copy of the forthcoming Guitar Hero: VAN HALEN for free. Competing game THE BEATLES: Rock Band (out a week after Guitar Hero 5) offers access to a special website and some downloadable songs to those who download.

This move could be interpreted as a sign that Activision doesn’t deem Guitar Hero: Van Halen as marketable as its other games. But that’s probably not the case. Activision has a truckload of music games coming out this holiday. They can afford this kind of creative bundling — especially when it offers them an opportunity to empty the wallets of gamers eight days before The Beatles: Rock Band hits store shelves.

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