GWAR Mainman Oderus Confirmed For 12th Appearance On FOX News' Red Eye Tonight

August 3, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news gwar fox

After his heavily-censored 11th appearance on the late-night gab-fest Red Eye, in which he compared the smell of Jessica Parker's twat to "that of a camel-cunt", GWAR lead singer Oderus Urungus has been slated to appear once again as the shows "Interplanetary Correspondent", despite repeated calls from the Vatican to ban the long-dicked alien from appearing in public.

"Screw the Pope. He's old," quoth the warty front-thing. "I'm back where I belong, on top, well, a little left of the top, more like the side... ohhh... fuck it."

Catch Oderus and host Greg "Butterball" Gutfeld on Red Eye, at 3 AM (EDT) Tuesday, August 3rd.

In other Gwar news, the Slave Pit, Gwar's pit of slaves, located in Richmond, VA. (because of the excellent crack and large art school), is busily preparing for the re-awakening of an ancient Gwar tradition, the Gwar-B-Que! Back in the early days of Gwar, the slaves used to throw parties in the Pit in the hopes of attracting helpless women. These parties grew in size and fury as other bands and insane artists got involved... but then just stopped happening...

But the Gwar-B-Que is back! On August 8th, 2010, at the Bike Lot in Richmond, Va.! Checkhere for full details, directions, and more.

Intergalactic shock-rockers Gwar are busy working on their brand-new album, Gwar's Bloody Pit Of Horror, to be released this fall on Metal Blade Records.

Further details to follow.

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