How To Get Rid Of A House You Can’t Sell

April 12, 2021, 3 years ago


How To Get Rid Of A House You Can’t Sell

If you’ve been looking to sell your property for some time but are struggling to get things moving, this is the article for you. We’ve got some top tips of things you can try to speed up your house sale and get you moving on elsewhere!

Stage the house

Whether you’re struggling to get people to put in an offer or are simply having little to no interest and not having viewers come in, staging your house can help increase both of these for you. Some homeowners will stage to the taste of the buyers they’re targeting, for example, if you’re selling a family home you can design your house to look as child-friendly and welcoming as possible to encourage them seeing their own family in this atmosphere. 

For some, however, the best way to stage is to organise the house in a way that makes it look as spacious and as clean as possible. Moving room by room, remove as much clutter as possible. Think upmarket-hotel style – clean bedding with crisp sheets, fresh folded towels, clear surfaces to make it look open and tidy. This is a very popular way for homeowners to sell more quickly, as staged homes are more attractive to potential buyers. For homeowners that have been asking themselves “how do I sell my house fast?” staging is the perfect answer!


Almost every house will look better with some redecorating, which will encourage any of your viewers to put in an offer. You can do this on any budget, so if you’re looking to increase your value as well as sell quickly you can look at renovating a kitchen or bathroom, as this will instantly increase interest. 
If you don’t have a high budget for your redecoration or you simply don’t want to spend much, there are other, simpler changes that you can make for a lower price that will still be effective. Repainting walls make rooms look bigger, cleaner, and brighter which will all encourage viewers in and increase chances of you reaching your sale. It’s best to pick neutral colours when painting to sell – think beige, white, or cream. These colours will suit any colour scheme and help to make your rooms look like black canvas’s that your viewers can picture their own belongings in more easily.

Ask for viewer feedback

If you’ve had several viewers but you’re not getting any offers submitted, you should ask your estate agent to follow up with these viewings and find out what they think. Sometimes there are small issues in your property that put buyers off, but if they are easily fixable it can be the difference between achieving your sale and sitting on the open market for months on end. 

You will need to take some of the feedback with a pinch of salt – there will be some comments in there that are things you can’t change, especially if you live near a busy road which means there can be a lot of traffic or if those buyers were looking for a specific feature that your house doesn’t have. There should be some valuable information as well though, which can help you rectify those issues and avoid the next viewers thinking the same thing and increasing the chance of your sale. 

Reassess your asking price

One of the main reasons that homeowners struggle to sell their house in a reasonable timeframe is down to having the wrong asking price. You can run into problems if your price is too low or too high, so if you have had very little interest, this could be where you’re going wrong.

Setting your asking price too high will immediately put potential buyers off, especially if there are other houses in your area that are similar to yours for a lower asking price. If you’re concerned that your price is too high, do some research in your neighbourhood and see what others are pricing their houses at. If yours is much more, you will want to consider decreasing the price to entice buyers in. 

Homeowners don’t often realise that setting their asking price too low can also put buyers off, but it does. Anyone looking at your house will likely think that there are hidden issues that reflect in the price, and a lot of homeowners aren’t interested in having to do extensive work before moving into a property. 
Selling a house can be incredibly stressful and comes with all sorts of delays, but taking these tips should help you get things moving and achieve your sale much more quickly!

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