INFERNAEON - "This Tour Has Been An Absolute Fuckin’ Nightmare"

November 12, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news infernaeon recently caught up with INFERNAEON vocalist Brian Werner. The following is a brief excerpt from the interview:

Q: Tell me about your tour so far…

Brian: "We got banned in Fresno, I don’t know if I told you, We were banned in Fresno due to the content of our lyrics, the imagery of our merchandise as well as our stage show, I’ve never been so fuckin’ insulted in all my life. So there is no questions asked (just) 'Fuck you…pay me' and I’m not playin’ and I absolutely refuse to censor any bit of our stage show whatsoever. SONS OF AZRAEL felt the exact same as us, so both bands ended up cancelin’ the show in Fresno, California.

We apologize to all the fans out there that bought a ticket, this is one person trying to force his religious convictions on all the people that wanted to come and attend the show. Unfortunately I can’t submit to any censoring of anything we do regardless of what it is and I won’t do it."

Q: What song in particular was the club owner objecting to?

Brian: 'Sleeping God'. The promoter loved us, it was the owner of the club that wouldn’t let us play. He saw that we had a t-shirt that had a picture of the Virgin Mary that said 'MILF' and he wanted us out of the building as soon as possible.

This whole fuckin’ tour has been a nightmare since day one. Day one was in Chicago, we played across the street from HURTLOCKER and LUPARA. Lupara has a video on Headbanger’s Ball, two of the heavy hitting local bands from Chicago playin’ 10 feet across the street from us, so that was night one.

Night two we get to fuckin’ St. Louis they don’t even have two of the band’s on the fuckin’ bill, and zero promotion done, they had us playin’ at a biker bar that could give two shit’s about death metal. We were the only band that DID play, we got screwed out of money in St. Louis, we were supposed to get $200.00 we got $30.00 and as soon as we got done playing we pissed off God and it rained immediately and Crematorium was not allowed to play.

We drive all the way to Topeka on day three, six hundred miles out of our way to find out the show was cancelled. After the Topeka ordeal, we get up to Omaha, Nebraska and once again we pissed off God and two tornadoes touched down in the city for the first time in seventy years.

Then we get up to Denver and no one has seen or heard from the promoter in several weeks, Moshpit Magazine, ya’know Moshpit Records…was three blocks away from the venue, and we never saw a poster, never saw a flyer, absolutely zero promotion done.

We had to turn around and drive from Denver to motherfucking Seattle 1,500 miles after we already trekked it 1,400 to Chicago. In Seattle we get screwed, actually Seattle was a good show but once again there was only about twenty people because of no promotion.

We play Portland, we get to Oakland we play in front of all the bands we’re on tour with once again because of no promotion, no flyers, no posters anywhere. After that, we did LA, LA was killer. Dismal Dan from Crematorium was the one handling the promotion for the LA show, so we had an awesome fuckin’ show in LA.

From LA, we got banned in Fresno like I said, then we did Sacremento, San Marcos where we played for the same bands on the fucking tour…it get’s pretty bad man, and then the icing on the cake was we did Alburquerque, we were supposed to play New Mexico and it got cancelled the day of the show, so we had two more off dates after that…We’re getting cancellations left and right because this guy never confirmed the shows…and this tour has been an absolute fuckin’ nightmare."

Go to this location for the complete story.

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