IRON MAIDEN Weighs In On Stranger Things Episode's Piece Of Mind Easter Egg - "This Is Music!"

July 8, 2022, a year ago

news iron maiden stranger things heavy metal

IRON MAIDEN Weighs In On Stranger Things Episode's Piece Of Mind Easter Egg - "This Is Music!"

Over the last few weeks, the TV show Stranger Things has been in the spotlight for including Metallica's "Master Of Puppets" in the final episode of Season Four. The song was included only after the showrunners secured the band's approval. Now, Iron Maiden have chimed in over an Easter egg involving their classic Piece Of Mind album from 1983. 

The scene features the show's resident rock / metal fan, Eddie Munson screaming that he's found the right music to save Nancy.

Check out the scene and Iron Maiden's response below. 

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