JACKYL Frontman JESSE JAMES DUPREE Shares Studio Session Video Of "Never Gets Old"

February 1, 2024, 4 months ago

news jesse james dupree jackyl hard rock

JACKYL Frontman JESSE JAMES DUPREE Shares Studio Session Video Of "Never Gets Old"

Jackyl frontman Jesse James Dupree has revealed the "Never Gets Old" Studio Session Video from his 2023 solo album, Breathing Fire. The track was co-written with Brian Johnson of AC/DC, and is available on all streaming platforms. Jesse is joined by his son, Nigel T. Dupree on drums, and Jackyl’s bass player Roman Glick.

Just announced, Jesse James Dupree will be playing a solo show at The Machine Shop in Flint, Michigan on March 30th. Tickets are on sale now.

"Never Gets Old" is a co-write between Dupree and old friend Brian Johnson. The two collaborated for several Jackyl records, dating back to Cut The Crap’s “Locked & Loaded” (1997) and “Kill The Sunshine” from Relentless’ (2002). Dupree shares, “Brian Johnson of AC/DC is ROCK! I camped out for two nights to get Back In Black concert tickets in 1980, and to be writing songs with him is a trip!”

The official video sees "Never Gets Old" as told via photo album history. Can you name all of the bad asses in this video?

Dupree offers, “This album is a convenient accident as I had no intention of recording one. It came about when I was listening to some old AC/DC records, and it reminded me how important rock ‘n roll is to me. The ideas started coming, and at the same time my son Nigel walked through the door from Nashville.  The next thing I knew Roman was there, and we were laying the tracks down. I had not spoken to Brian Johnson for about six months because he was preoccupied with his book tour. Coincidentally, he dialed me in the days after we had been recording. Some of the strongest songs I’ve ever been a part of are featured on this album. How cool is it to play with your son, your best friend (in Roman), and to write songs with Brian Johnson? Life doesn't get better than that.”

Check out a Behind The Song video for “Never Gets Old” featuring Jesse, Nigel, and Roman:

Breathing Fire artwork and tracklisting:

"Lay It On Me" 
"Never Gets Old" 
"Breathing Fire" 
"It's Not Love" 
"Born To Ride" 
"Kill The Sunshine" 
"Over My Dead Body"
"White Flag"
"Rappa De Pappa" 


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