JASON NEWSTED On New Album - "There Are A Few Songs That I Dug Out From The Archives Of The Chophouse"

September 15, 2013, 11 years ago

hot flashes news jason newsted

NEWSTED frontman / ex-METALLICA bassist Jason Newsted is featured in a new interview with Ultimate-Guitar.com. An excerpt is available below:

UG: When you first started writing for what would eventually become songs for your own band, did you have a specific idea for the kind of music you wanted to make?

Newsted: "I just let it happen and did not over think it at all. Over time as a creative person - any creative person in the world and all through the generations - when you tap into the stream of consciousness (of) creativity, you're able to make that stream the more you make the channel the clearer the channel becomes. As the years goes on you're able to tap into it easier and easier and more successfully. That's what's happening now."

UG: Was all of the music for the album new?

Newsted: "There are a few songs on this Heavy Metal Music LP that are older that I dug out from the archives of the Chophouse. 'Nocturnus' for instance was born in the '90s and it refused to die. Its riff came back in my mind just like when you got a good riff, man, and it won't leave, it won't go, it won't go away and it'll always come back? Whenever you pick up a guitar and it keeps coming back? Those things that stream out to live, 'Nocturnusd' is one of those riffs. So there are a few that were written in the '90s from those old things I brought back from the underground that wanted to live."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Jason Newsted spoke to "Metal" Tim Henderson from BraveWords/LoudGuitars at Gigantour's final stop in Toronto at the Molson Amphitheatre on August 11th. The bass legend speaks about their latest album, Heavy Metal Music, his return to the stage, working his former band FLOTSAM AND JETSAM and of course his relationship with Metallica!

For more info on Newsted visit Facebook.

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