JOE LYNN TURNER And Wife Welcome Baby Boy

September 26, 2023, 8 months ago

news heavy metal joe lynn turner

JOE LYNN TURNER And Wife Welcome Baby Boy

Joe Lynn Turner and his wife Maya Kozyreva have welcomed a baby boy, Matteo, to the world.



On a message on social media, the 72-year-old former Rainbow singer shared, “"On this very special day, of our 12th wedding anniversary, there is nothing more sacred and bonding between my Wife and I, as this beautiful Angel that we named Matteo (which means gift from God)... Our sacred union is complete and our hearts are filled with joy... Love and blessings!”

Joe Lynn Turner releasesd the studio album, Belly Of The Beast in October 2022.

The wildest times call for the freest of voices. After selling millions of records, playing to countless fans, and fronting some of the most influential rock bands in history, award-winning songwriter and vocal dynamo Joe Lynn Turner speaks his mind as loudly as possible on his eleventh full-length offering and Mascot Label Group debut, Belly Of The Beast. Joining forces with iconic producer Peter Tägtgren [Hypocrisy, Pain, Lindemann], the New Jersey-born powerhouse conjures up the kind of heavy metal that not only makes you throw your fist in the air, but also makes you think.

In 2017, he initially met Peter after performing at his brother’s private birthday party. Soon later, Joe and Peter collaborated on their first track “Don’t Fear the Dark,” cementing their creative partnership and assembling what would become Belly Of The Beast.

“It happened completely by accident, but some of the best things happen by accident,” Joe notes. “I was not very familiar with Peter’s bands Pain and Hypocrisy, but when we met, I loved his personality, and I felt like we had a chemistry together. On the writing side, you have to change and grow to mature. I had this in me. As far as pushing into a heavy vein, Peter said, ‘Joe adapted his voice,’ which is the truth. It’s still me though. I kept it dirty, gritty, and metal.”

This chapter saw him make a crucial personal decision too. Diagnosed with alopecia at three-years-old, he began to wear a wig at 14-years-old, dealing with “emotional and psychological damage from cruel bullying in school.” So, he wore the hairpiece throughout his career until finally deciding to go without it.  “In a way, it’s a blessing and a curse,” he admits. “I have nothing to prove, and I can wear a wig—or not. I am free to do what I want. I’m a grown man, and I’m getting to be an older man. Many men in this business eventually come to the decision to continue to ‘’wear hair’’ or shave their head which is very fashionable today. Either way, it takes a lot of personal courage. Assholes in high school trying to kick me around made me stronger and gave me the necessary motivation and strength to rise above the rest. Anger and pain are a great tool. If applied correctly, it could develop you to become the best version of yourself. Instead of running away, I was ‘’hiding in plain sight”.

In the end, Joe has something to say at the pit of Belly Of The Beast. “Rock‘n’Roll is about entertainment of course, but I hope you hear the message as well,” he leaves off. “It seems like everyone has sold their souls to major corporations. Once people are rich and popular, they become a part of the establishment. Where are the rebels? Who’s going to say, ‘Fuck you! We aren’t going to take this shit?’ I am.”

“Black Sun” lyric video:

"Belly Of The Beast" lyric video:

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