KEITH RICHARDS Reveals There Will Be New Music From THE ROLLING STONES This Year

March 20, 2022, 2 years ago

news keith richards the rolling stones classic rock

KEITH RICHARDS Reveals There Will Be New Music From THE ROLLING STONES This Year

According to, Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards revealed on the Rolling Stone Music Now podcast that the band is working on new music.

Richards: "We’re working on just about everything. At the moment we’re just feeling our way back. We’ve just finished this tour, and everyone is figuring out what to do this year. Obviously the Stone’s 60th is coming and I think we’re definitely going to be doing something there. It’s a little early in the year for me to say right now quite how the year’s going to pan out, especially with the old COVID on us. But hopefully we’ll be getting around all that and getting past it. There should be some interesting music this year."

Read the complete report here.

Richards recently joined Zane Lowe on Apple Music 1 to celebrate the 30th anniversary and re-release of his second solo album, Main Offender.

He tells Apple Music about deciding to make another solo record after Talk Is Cheap, the necessity of the hiatus from The Rolling Stones and how it made the band stronger, what he learned from being a frontman and how it benefitted The Stones, why he didn’t make another solo record for 23 years, the upcoming 50th anniversary of Exile On Main Street and more.

On the upcoming 50th anniversary of The Rolling Stones' classic album, Exile On Main St., Keith says: "Well, Exile is, it is one of my favorite babies, man and it was an incredible record to make in this damn basement. And I sometimes wondered if we'd never get out of there, but one of my favorite. That house in the south of France where we recorded was bizarre to the max, and I have great memories of it. It was Riviera beach time. Everybody's going crazy. And yeah, that was a hell of a record. We liked it so much it became a double."

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