MISERATION Finish Recording The Mirroring Shadow; New Song Posted

September 11, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news miseration

Sweden's MISERATION, the latest effort from SCAR SYMMETRY vocalist Christian Älvestam and Jani Stefanovic (ESSENCE OF SORROW, DIVINEFIRE), check in with the following update:

"After a few months of intense work we are happy to announce that our new album, The Mirroring Shadow, is now finally recorded and done. We are really proud of what we have accomplished this time and we can't wait to share this newborn baby with you all! The album is set to be released in Europe on November 16th and in north America on January 19th, via Lifeforce Records!

Musically it's definately a step up, intensity- and aggression-wise; also being more technical than its predecessor. Even so, there are still a lot of melodic landscapes there to explore. Put together, this progression both came and felt very natural to us, once the new material started to take shape. Check out the sneak preview, entitled 'Dreamdecipher'!

Sound-wise, producer Tomas "Plec" Johansson has really outdone himself on this one, giving the music a productional enviroment to die for! Crushingly pounding, yet crystal clear!

A big thanks also to Stefan and Lifeforce Records for being patient, understanding and for backing us up, in the hour of need! It will not be forgotten!

Last, but not least, hats off to Pär Johansson, for his brilliant lyrical contribution and to Pär Olofsson, for an album artwork worthy of praise. Your exquisite work made all the difference!

In all, we are very proud and happy with the outcome of our efforts, that is The Mirroring Shadow!"

Check out 'Dreamdecipher' and find out more about Miseration at this location.

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