Mr. Lordi - Babez for Breakfast "Is The Best LORDI Album So Far!"

February 5, 2011, 13 years ago

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Pete Alander from JUDAS PRIEST guitarist K.K. Downing's Steel Mill website caught up with LORDI frontman Mr. Lordi recently. Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

Steel Mill: Lordi has been around for many years now. You have successfully combined theatrical elements to the hard rock sound of the 80s. Is there any reason to change anything in this “monsterican dream”?

Mr. Lordi: "First was the music, then came in the monsters to give something extra to the music. You can hear the sound of Lordi in every album we´ve made, and why should we change that? There just aren’t any reasons for that."

Steel Mill: Lordi has also been connected to satanism and thrash music.

Mr. Lordi: "Yeah, but as everyone knows by now, we are not from that world, even though we have used bits and pieces from the darker side in our music. There are always people who don´t understand stuff like ours. I mean, who would love a monsterman, haha! You read and hear stuff from various sources and from various critics, who really don´t know a thing about what we do. You just have to handle it."

Steel Mill: Babez For Breakfast is the fifth album from Lordi. It is a true and honest hard rock album with a bunch of great songs. In the album you have Bruce Kulick (ex-KISS) involved, and behind the producers desk you have Michael Wagener. A pretty cool package there...

Mr. Lordi: "This is the best Lordi album so far! We were in a position where we wanted to create something like this after our previous album Deadache. I mean big keyboards, stadium sounds and Los Angeles 1984! Michael Wagener made the album sound very American and very big. The songs made it brilliant, and there are some occasional humouristic elements as well. It has some similarities to Get Heavy album. I made 50 to 60 rough demos for this album, and together with the band we chose the best bits from my ideas. I usually create a truckload of demos, and the band eliminates all the weird stuff. Sometimes I create so weird songs I don´t know where they come from, haha. But, all in all, I am very satisfied with this album. I hope people will love it too."

Read the entire interview here.

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