NEIL TURBIN'S DEATHRIDERS - A Fate Worse Than Death Studio Update

January 25, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news neil turbin deathriders's Steve Saks has issued the following exclusive update on the upcoming album from NEIL TURBIN'S DEATHRIDERS:

"I just recently had the privilege to talk with Neil Turbin of DEATHRIDERS while he was in pre-production for his new album, A Fate Worse Than Death. He called me while he was working on the new material from his pro-tools home studio in California and I was able to hear 4 songs during our phone chat.

'Rise Up' - very powerful song, with excellent guitar and double bass drumming as well as harmony vocals and a killer chorus too. Vocally Neil has never sounded better.

'Viper Soul' - This one had a killer guitar riff, kind of like a maniac on the loose type feel. different time changes and again Killer vocals from Neil, and the guitar solo's are fantastic too.

'Forgotten Sons' - This one starts off with some creepy guitar sounds and riffs, and while holding down a mid tempo, the double bass drums are pounding away underneath. It's all about the melody and hook in these songs, fans of power, speed or thrash metal mixed in with some neo-classical as well with high musicianship are gonna love these new ones from Deathriders.

'Riders Of The Apocalypse' - This one has an epic feel to it, the verse builds as the double bass drums and chugging guitars gallop along until the huge chorus kicks in. The best way to describe this one gives you the feeling like you are in a car racing or chasing someone... going faster and getting closer... you can really feel it build. Again excellent powerful vocals from Neil and a killer chorus too.

My only regret is I wished I had a hard copy of these NOW so I can play them over and over! (hint hint) .

If anyone has been a fan of early ANTHRAX (Neil Turbin era) and has liked Fistful Of Metal or liked the sheer heaviness and aggression of it... I have a warning for you... This is heavier, more powerful and musically light years ahead of that... Neil Turbin is really coming up with winners for his new album, he's not rushing it, but rather really working on the songs to make them the best possible... and after listening to them for myself.... It's nice to finally see someone who would rather let the music do the talking and create something that he can stand firmly behind and not some quick cash in (my words not his).

I get the feeling Deathriders - A Fate Worse Than Death is already a front runner to land on my "Best Of 2007" list as well as surprise many many Metal others... have an open mind when you finally hear this stuff... this isn't your father's Anthrax... Neil Turbin has NEVER sounded better than this. This is heavier, but precise and will hit you like a ton of bricks."

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