Nuclear Blasts Confirms Italian Scribe Not Responsible For DIMMU BORGIR Album Leak

June 14, 2007, 17 years ago

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Nuclear Blast has issued the following:

"We have written in a press statement dated March 15th, that the source of the illegal download files of the DIMMU BORGIR album In Sorte Diaboli was Mr. Luca Pessina, a journalist with Metal Hammer Italy and

That statement gave the impression that Mr. Pessina was responsible for releasing those files to the internet. We now accept that this is not the case. Mr. Pessina has made it explicitly clear that he did not use the files and he did not release them in any way.

An investigation by Nuclear Blast has shown that Mr. Pessina did not himself download any of the files from In Sorte Diaboli.

It has not been possible to determine who was responsible for uploading the files for illegal download. Nuclear

Blast has, therefore, now definitely decided to refrain from any legal action against Mr. Pessina and regrets any distress or harm caused to Mr. Pessina and his reputation as the result of any misunderstandings of our previous statement."

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