ORANGE GOBLIN's Ben Ward Issues Statement Regarding Departure From RAVENS CREED

February 10, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news orange goblin ravens creed

ORANGE GOBLIN's Ben Ward has posted the following statement in regards to the recent news that he has stepped down as vocalist in RAVENS CREED:

"It is with great sadness that I have to report that I am stepping down from my duties as frontman and vocalist for Ravens Creed.

It has reached the point that I can no longer give the band the time and energy that it deserves and I feel that by leaving now it will allow Steve, Jay and Frazer the opportunity to get somebody who is as passionate and dedicated to the band as they all are.

I have had a great 4 years with the band and will leave with a lot of fond memories but right now I believe this is the right thing to do. I wish the band all the success and hope they make me regret this decision!!!!

Anybody wishing to step into the vacant position can contact the band via their MySpace page, details about rehearsals etc are all there!

Over and out."

Contact Ravens Creed at this location.

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