ProgRock Records - New Titles For Record Club Members Now Available

December 28, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news

ProgRock Records president Shawn Gordon has checked in with the following update:

"So, your flush with all your Christmas money and looking for the best deal on music, and here it is. Our ProgRock Records Club gets you one new CD per month (with four of those being new releases) and a choice from two alternates for the incredibly low price of just $75 per year, that covers the shipping and the handling as well. The idea is to expose you to music that you might not otherwise have checked out and do it at an extremely low cost.

For January (shipping next week) our main pick is the solo album from acclaimed vocalist Ian Parry called Visions. The alternates are from the amazing prog metal band PRYMARY, The Tragedy Of Innocence, or the Dutch band RICOCHER and their final release before breaking up, Chains.

You can order from this location or also browse our site to check those titles out. This is our sixth month and it has been extremely popular, but we're also getting close to the threshold of how many club members we're going to have. Have a great new year!"

Best Regards,

Shawn Gordon


ProgRock Records

(949) 713-3276

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