PROJECT: FAILING FLESH Issue Count Back From Ten Album Progress Update

December 1, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news failing flesh project

PROJECT: FAILING FLESH have issued the following update from instrumentalist Tim Gutierrez:

"Been quiet here for a good while but stuff has been progressing with the upcoming Count Back From Ten album.

The tracking is now finished and Kevin has started mixing as time allows. So release shouldn't be too far off. But who knows what that means in P:FF time!

Eric (Forrest - E-FORCE / ex-VOIVOD) did his vocals a few months ago before returning to France but was just recently back in North America again over the past week or so with E-Force for some Canada shows in Montreal and Toronto (supporting the mighty SACRIFICE).

Also within the last month, Loston Harris once again made the trek to Assembly Line Studios to play / finish additional keyboards on the album. He's played on the past two albums as well so he's like the fourth member at this point.

Anyway... in our opinion, all is sounding great with the album and we are anxious to get it mixed, mastered, and out there for people to finally hear. Stay tuned for updates, artwork, and sound samples."

More on the band at this location.

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