RAVENS CREED Seek Full-Time Singer

March 29, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news ravens creed

British metallers RAVENS CREED

"Whilst tidying up loose ends on new songs in Tenko, Jay and myself talked about what we were going to do for a vocalist when the next LP is out. We debated back and forth, the pros and cons of the sistuation we are in at the moment (for those who are unaware: Ben (Ward) has left, Iscariah (aka Stian Smorholm) is doing vocals on our next LP and we are still looking for a permanent singer).

After much time had passed and our chins were blistered from being stroked, we decided to hold off recording our next LP (A Conspiracy Of...) until we have found a permanent vocalist, just saves us pissing about after the LP is out really... and we can get back to playing live again (like normal bands!)

Jay and myself would like to thank Iscariah for his enthusiasm and being willing to fly to England to do his vocals.

So... we are looking for a full-time singer, the next LP is pretty much ready to go, over half the songs have lyrics already, if you feel you can do it, contact us through this electronic medium, no experience required! Must be able to attend rehearsals in Nottingham twice a month and a deep love of VENOM, CELTIC FROST, MASTER and DISCHARGE would be a Brucey bonus.

So what are you waiting for?"

Contact the band at info@ravenscreed.co.uk.

Ravens Creed are working on their upcoming album, A Conspiracy Of..., which will be issued by Doomentia Records later this year.

New song titles include:

'Raped By The Graveyard'

'Bashed In'

'Five Witches Of Nine'

'Shoot The Wounded'

'The Wires Will Kill You'

'Kick To Kill'

'War Cauldron'

'Hearse Fokker'

'Unleash The Ratbashers'

'Bloody Luxury'

'Black Bullets'

'Wiccan Wanderers'


'Taint The Robe With Torpid Feculence'

More on Ravens Creed at this location.

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