REGGAE KISS Return With "Calling Dr. Love" Cover Featuring Reggae Legend EEK-A-MOUSE (Video)

September 27, 2020, 4 years ago

news kiss reggae kiss hard rock

REGGAE KISS Return With "Calling Dr. Love" Cover Featuring Reggae Legend EEK-A-MOUSE (Video)

KISS has posted the following message on social media for the fans:

"Sweden's Reggae Kiss is back with 'Calling Dr. Love' featuring Reggae legend Eek-A-Mouse. What do you think KISS Army?"

Reggae Kiss have a Spotify channel here featuring covers of "New York Groove", "Creatures Of The Night", "I Stole Your Love", "Naked City" and "Love Gun" among other KISS hits

For more Reggae Kiss check out their official Facebook page here and enjoy what's left of your weekend...

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