SATAN'S HOST Guitarist Patrick "Evil": "I Have Been Satanic All My Life"

July 19, 2007, 17 years ago

news host life in black satan has issued an interview with SATAN'S HOST guitarist Patrick "Evil", conducted by Luxi Lahtinen. The following is an excerpt:

Q: As for the visual side of the band, it should be clear for anyone that has become aware of you, Satan's Host imago is heavily rooted from the Satanic themes and all things evil, and you guys are very serious about this all. Could you tell what are those elements in Satanism that you find such appealing and intriguing to yourself personally? No doubts, it's more than just about music - it's a way of life style more than anything else to you, correct?

A: "Well, I have been satanic all my life. So when people ask me about the subject it seems rather strange to me anyone would be another way. I hear from people of all types of religion and I know more about there beliefs than they do. I study all religions and know in my heart what I find to be the truth. I think if you choose to be it takes all your blood sweat and tears. Those who want to be shall never be for they walk in the shadows of insecurity and guilt. Walking the left hand path and carrying the torch for others to follow is not a east task or something I have chosen to do. It is something I was born for. I am born of the devil the true dark heart of metal so in my seeds of infamy and hell I do not hold back I do what I know is right and straight from my inner demon from the heart. I do not wish ill harm on others I wish to enlighten them so that one day they may choose to who they are inside."

Read the interview at this location.

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