SEPULTURA Drummer Jean Dolabella: "MESHUGGAH Is A Band That I Admire A Lot"

November 14, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news meshuggah sepultura

An exclusive interview with SEPULTURA drummer Jean Dolabella has been posted online at the Agenda do Headbanger blog. The following is an excerpt:

Q: You are a drum teacher, graduated in the Music Academy, in Los Angeles. After that you joined Sepultura, are you still teaching?

A: "Yes. I continue teaching here in BH. Besides, my father and I are running a "Cultural Space" and we have made a lot of events and workshops, not only mine but with several other artists."

Q: About your side projects, you’ve played with Andreas Kisser in his solo project called HUBRIS. Are you still working in the instrumental music project with the guitarist Augusto Nogueira? Do you have any other projects in mind?

A: "Hubris recording sessions were very special. It was the first time that I could record something with Andreas and I thought that the result was wonderful. The songs were strong and we felt a real good chemistry working together. My project with Augusto's been taking shape. We intend to release an album in the beginning of the next year. I also have another project with some old friends from Belo Horizonte that doesn't even have a name yet and no imminent recordings either."

Q: Seems like one of your favorite bands is Meshuggah. Is the drummer Tomas Haake one of your influences?

A: "Meshuggah is a band that I admire a lot, but it’s not my favorite band. I don’t even have a favorite band. I’ve seen them live a couple of times and the quality of the musicians is really impressive. As I enjoy and listen to many kinds of music, I have some completely distinct influences. During a time, Tomas Haake was in fact an influence."

Read the full interview at this location.

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