STRYPER's MICHAEL SWEET Says Band's New Album "Should Be Out July Or August..."

January 17, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard stryper michael sweet

STRYPER frontman MICHAEL SWEET has issued the following update:

"Hello everyone,

Happy New Year and I hope your holidays were amazing. I took some time off during the holidays to spend time with Kyle, Michael and Ellena. It was long overdue and something that I needed to do - do nothing. I grew a beard down to my feet, gained 100 pounds from all the fruitcake, cookies and goodies and recently purchased a red and white suit... uhm, maybe I have another calling???

Okay, all kidding aside, Kyle is feeling a little better these days. She started a new (third) treatment and she seems to have less side effects from this treatment. Her numbers went way up and then dropped by two thirds a few weeks later. They are still way above the safe range but again she's tolerating this drug a bit better. We'll certainly keep all of you updated as we receive new information. We go to Boston every two weeks for blood work and checkups. Again, thank you for your thoughts and prayers. We are forever grateful.

As far as the new Stryper record goes - I'm still tracking vocals in my studio and we plan to start mixing by the first week in February. We should be finshed mixing by the end of February and then we'll master, do a photo shoot and then the rest will be up to artwork department at Big3 to put it all together and package it. I'm not confirming anything but I'd say it should be out July or August and of course a tour will follow later in the year. I know that some of you were expecting a release sooner but things have transpired that are out of our control and I can assure you that it will be worth the wait. The record sounds amazing and it will have everything that you've always wanted a Stryper record to have - melodies, guitar solos, stacked vocal harmonies and screams. Sonically, it's our best to date. It's a very edgy record yet at the same time it retains it's melodic sense. I'll keep you updated as we progress.

Thank you for your patience and we look forward to 2008!

Always, Michael."

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