TESTAMENT's STEVE DI GIORGIO Joins INTERLUDIO DUO for DEATH Cover "Overactive Imagination"

July 4, 2021, 2 years ago

news steve di giorgio testament interludio duo death heavy metal

TESTAMENT's STEVE DI GIORGIO Joins INTERLUDIO DUO for DEATH Cover "Overactive Imagination"

Testament's fretless bass guru Steve Di Giorgio recently joined Italian string band Interludio Duo to cover Death's "Overactive Imagination". Watch the stunning performance, below.

Interludio Duo spoke about their collaboration with Di Giorgio and how it all started:

"Interludio Duo is a string band that would like to propose both their post-modern original tracks along with their own rock and metal Masterpiece arrangements. Jacopo Ogliari (violin) and Aurelio Pizzuto (cello) have always played classical and modern music in various formations and with different instruments. The idea of ​​arranging 'Overactive Imagination' by Death comes from Aurelio's desire to arrange a death metal masterpiece for the duo. Both the violinist and the cellist loved and played death metal, and they well know the history of that genre. So they began with one of the best DM albums ever: Individual Thought Patterns."

"In the meantime, Aurelio got in touch with Steve Di Giorgio to talk about some bass parts related to Death. Soon, Steve understood that Interludio Duo wanted to do things seriously. He literally threw himself into the production saying he wanted to make a trio in the recording of 'Overactive Imagination'. It was the beginning of a collaboration and friendship with a great artist, with the metal bass legend. The production, led by Stefano Pavoni, has put in place all the necessary forces to manage audio and video recordings from around the world. Video editing was wisely performed by Marco Bergamini. Interludio is working at the moment on writing new arrangements and songs. Many SDG fans and ID fans asked us for new tracks and soon they will be satisfied with a new ambitious project."

Further details can be found at InterludioDuo.com. The original Death version of "Overactive Imagination" can be heard, below.


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