The Best Recent Movies About Music

June 23, 2021, 3 years ago


The Best Recent Movies About Music

Hollywood always loves to take polarizing genres and make them into blockbuster hits, as we move out of the superhero era, it’s time that a new genre takes its place as many put in their own bid to become the new favourite – the past has shown that topics with a lot of history have typically done very well, looking back at genres like casinos back in the 90’s with the string of huge hits which can be relived through modern classics here, or the high fantasy that spanned throughout the noughties. The past few years in particular have seen plenty of releases focussing on music, however, whether through the biggest stars in history or more unique approaches, but could it be the next big Hollywood hit? Some of the best recent music movies may suggest that it can. 

Rocketman – Music fans were delivered a number of different biopics over the past few years for some of the biggest names in music, and perhaps the best of the bunch had been the story about Elton John and his break in music. Certainly one of the more influential artists in history, this movie didn’t water down the more negative aspects of making it big in the music industry at the time and something that Elton himself insisted on being shown, and with a very talented cast behind it with Taron Egerton delivering his version of Elton incredibly well, it has certainly set the bar for future biopics very high, but has also shown that giving the audience the more R Rated look at the downsides to international stardom in music certainly has its place too.

Walk the Line – A favourite amongst some musicians in particular, this movie depicting the early life and career of Johnny Cash has become a go-to choice – it did in part show the opposite of what made Rocketman so appealing, by showing all of the glitz and glamour of living life as a famous musician, hanging out with legends like Elvis and living life extravagantly. The reality for many would-be stars was much more sobering, but Joaquin Phoenix portrays Cash in such a good way with some great music throughout that it’s hard not to enjoy.

Whiplash – Whilst not a music movie that follows a particular star, or something that focus on a more realistic life scenario, many musicians have credited Whiplash for showing just how much passion can be needed in order to succeed in music. Whilst the drama aspects were certainly dialled way up to 11, some have drawn parallels to how similar some aspects of the movie were to their own experience, and for non-musicians it certainly shows the dedication needed to find a love for music.

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