VOODOO SIX Part Ways With Singer; Announce Replacement

July 2, 2009, 15 years ago

voodoo six news rock hard

VOODOO SIX, the London-based band put together by bassist Tony Newton (DIRTY DEEDS), have issued the following brief update:

We know there has been a lot of speculation as to what the major announcement is, well the wait is over: there has been a reshuffle of the Voodoo Six pack, the band has parted ways with Henry (Rundell; vocals). This may be of disappointment to many fans but in order for Voodoo Six to move forward change was necessary. We all wish Henry the very best for the future, he is a talented guy and sure he will find the music which will inspire him to carry on with a new project. We also thank him for his past contribution to the band.

Voodoo Six now has a new member, Luke Purdie. Luke has a rich bluesy voice and is a great songwriter too, he slotted into the band perfectly. Former bands include RECULVER and his own solo acoustic project.

We are working on getting the new album finished, it's sounding amazing. We have been rehearsing the new songs and you will be pleased to hear that V6 is firing on all cylinders!

Our schedule is to finish recording and Mike Fraser (AC/DC, METALLICA) will mix the album at the end of August. We know this is later than everyone expected but with Luke some songs needed to be re-arranged and we want to make sure this album is something very special. Sorry to keep you all waiting but we can assure you it will be worth the wait.

In the meantime we may drop in the odd one off show so keep checking the website if you want to hear the new songs live prior to release.

Thanks for keeping the faith, we all appreciate your support greatly. We hope to see you all very soon."

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