WARRANT Guitarist Erik Turner On New Record - "We Have Some New Song Ideas Flowing"

October 4, 2007, 16 years ago

news rock hard warrant

Saviours Of Rock spoke to WARRANT guitarist Erik Turner recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat found here follow:

Saviours Of Rock: What about the next album?

Turner: "We are in live show mode right now, but we have some new song ideas flowing."

Saviours Of Rock: It must have been hard to replace someone like jani, but things seem to have turned out well for you guys?

Turner: "It’s always a bummer when band members come and go, but you have to roll with the changes."

Saviours Of Rock: What would you say to people that say a warrant reunion is inevitable soon enough?

Turner: "I keep hoping the original van halen will get back together!! (winks)"

Saviours Of Rock: You had the dvd out this year too?

Turner: "The DVD turned out very cool and entertaining, check it out!"

Saviours Of Rock: It was always rumoured (and still is on wikipedia!) that you played little to no guitar on the 1st two albums if any?

Turner: "I played my rhythm guitar parts on every song, so did joey, we also played solos. Beau hill brought in mike slamer to play some solos too."

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