WINDS OF GENOCIDE Join Pulverised Records Roster

December 2, 2011, 12 years ago

hot flashes news winds of genocide

Pulverised Records has announced the addition of UK-based deathcrust extremos WINDS OF GENOCIDE.

Spawned in 2006, Winds Of Genocide is poised to inflict apokalyptic domination with their offensive d-beat onslaught. A bastardized fusion of CIANIDE, AMEBIX, UNLEASHED and BOLT THROWER, Winds Of Genocide are working on their as-yet-titled debut full-length album, which should see the light of day in Armageddon 2012.

Commented Winds Of Genocide lung-torturess Kat Shevil of the signing: "We are extremely honored and excited to be signing and working with Pulverised Records for a full-length album and to be joining such a roster that includes such great bands as Bastard Priest, Morbus Chron, Iron Lamb, Impiety, Grave Desecrator, Tyrant, Crucifyre, In Aeturnum, Interment, Tribulation, Desultory, Seance, etc. Pulverised Records is a great label run by dedicated people with a great and long history of quality releases to their name. We look forward to unleashing a powerful destructive debut album which will pulverize your ears. Expect nothing less than pure fucking aural armageddon!"

Added Pulverised Records label manager Roy Yeo: "We seemed to have a (dis)taste for scruffed-up and no-holds-barred extreme bands these days, so having Winds Of Genocide on our roster is definitely the next logical step. Winds Of Genocide has without a doubt convinced us with their previously released The Arrival Of Apokalyptic Armageddon EP release, and we are very sure that the upcoming full-length effort will prove that Winds Of Genocide is going to further terrorize everything in sight (and sound, of course). D-beat krusaders, you have been forewarned!"

Winds Of Genocide:

Kat Shevil - Vocals

Linus - Drums

Glynn Hall - Guitars

Dan H - Bass

More on the band at this location.

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