ALL MY SINS - Lunar/Solar
June 28, 2017, 7 years ago
(Black Death Production)
Serbian atmospheric black metallers All My Sins start off their debut EP slow, the first song fully using three minutes and 14 seconds of Lunar/Solar’s 21:27 run time to build a sombre, chilling atmosphere, all of which is thrown out the window immediately when the second song, “Pod Mesecom Prastari Hrast”, kicks in all guns blazing like classic Immortal or Emperor, minus the majesty that those bands carry around with them like it’s no big deal. But damned if All My Sins don’t get points for trying: when the band kick down to a half-time gallop after blasting through the first part of the song there’s something resembling, well, a song here.
And it’s a great song, the band showing tons of promise, which they also do during “Pomen Usnulom Suncu”, a tune that has great dynamics and songwriting smarts to it. Elsewhere, there are more forays into the atmospheric, with All My Sins utilizing acoustic sounds to moderate effect, although the sharp left-hand turns into black metal never quite sound cohesive enough to create a convincing atmosphere (it does sound good as an EP closer, though). But they’re getting there: for a debut this is impressive stuff.