CAUSTIC - Scene Of A Crime

December 26, 2024, 2 weeks ago


Mark Gromen

Rating: 7.0

review heavy metal hard rock caustic

CAUSTIC - Scene Of A Crime

Debut album from Argentine speed metallers, whose '21 Arrowfire demo impressed these ears. No hold-overs from that initial foray (which featured a cover of Venom's "Witching Hour"). Nothing here approaches that, just nine new compositions of an old school variety, with occasional falsetto vocal accents (as on opening "Riding Tonite"). The English vocals are heavily accented and at speed, sometimes a little difficult to differentiate (even under headphones). No matter, it's the music that matters most.

That said, mid-tempo "Sweet Prisoner" possesses more groove than is usually associated with so-called speed metal. Think maybe an Atlantic-era Raven outtake, although it does get a little "messy" towards its conclusion. Back to the beat with "Lethal Force", a pre-release single. "Road Rage" at least has some rage to it, both in terms of vocal and musical delivery, while "Take Myself" once again opts for slower, more melodic territory. Not bad, just a bit too far afield of the speed metal signpost. 

"F.A.D.S.A.N.", which, according to the lyrics, stands for "fighting all day surviving all night" has more urgency and a catchy hook. More frenetic, with chaotic, high pitched vocals, "Kick Your Teacher" rides a shuffling bass line and dissonant guitars. "Made Out Of Lies" barrels down the highway, right out of the gates, but briefly slows to a stroll, midway through the journey, only to finish as it began. Closing "Cold Metal Night" is the most musically muscular cut: plenty of guitars.

While maybe a little under-cooked, there's something here worth watching for future development. Just hope it's not another four years before we hear more music.

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