FUNERAL WINDS - Sinister Creed

March 21, 2018, 6 years ago

(Avantgarde Music)

Chris Tighe

Rating: 8.0

review black death funeral winds

FUNERAL WINDS - Sinister Creed

Like your black metal blistering and old school? If so, Funeral Winds new full length should be added to your shopping list pronto. This isn’t a case of a bunch of young whippersnappers doing a retro rehash though; this Holland based unit has been at it since 1991 with this being their fourth album, so this is the real deal. Containing zero subtlety or melody, Funeral Winds attack each track with vicious high-speed abandon similar to Blood Storm. Hellchrist Xul rips his throat to shreds in a harrowing vocal performance that further elevates the release into the realm of the sublime.

Considering the overall high quality, it’s hard to pick out highlights, but if forced to one would point to the beyond intense “Blood” and the change of pace “Black Moon Over Saturn” which utilizes a faux opera chant and a chorus that will have you shouting out the track title in sinister support. Absolutely revelling in the intense hatred here. Early contender to make my top ten of 2018.


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