Guitarist Ivan Odorico Leaves SLOWMOTION APOCALYPSE

November 5, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news slowmotion apocalypse

Italy's SLOWMOTION APOCALYPSE have issued the following lineup news:

"Hello Apocalypse dudes and dudettes,

During the last year, besides playing live, we've been writing new stuff for our third album. We have a good number of new songs still in progress and we think things are coming along very well.

Unfortunately, with this new life comes sad news. (Guitarist) Ivan (Odorico) has decided to leave Slowmotion Apocalypse.

He states, “It's been a hard but unavoidable decision. The band is going to change its style a little and it's something I can't see myself in. I'm sure my departure will help them do well as far as the songwriting is concerned. I'd like to send my greetings to all those who followed us and supported us up to now.”

It looks like it's time for the first, and we hope the last, lineup change in the history of Slowmotion Apocalypse. We would have wanted to avoid all that in every way but some issues related to the “artistic” side of the thing made Ivan make his decision. There is absolutely no problem between us as far as our friendship is concerned and we whole heartedly hope Ivan follows his new path with great succes. Thank you Ivan for all the good times we had together and see you soon for another beer!

The new lead guitarist is Manuel “Sean” Giannella (DAYSHINE RISING). He is a very talented guitar player and he is the perfect consolidating link between what we have recorded until today and the new stuff we're going to release in the future. Welcome among us."

More on Slowmotion Apocalypse at their here page.

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