FRAZE GANG Guitarist On Next Album - "We Might Have A Special Guest Vocalist On One Song Just To Add Some Spice To The Mix"

November 10, 2008, 15 years ago

news rock hard fraze gang

FRAZE GANG frontman Greg Fraser (BRIGHTON ROCK) is featured in a new interview with Rock Nation. An excerpt from the interview appears below:

Q: You are known as a guitarist, but, how comfortable were you branching out as a singer?

Fraser: "It was a little uncomfortable at first but now I think I've settled in. Lots of the fans have shown their gratitude and I've also seen some nice reviews which helps boost my confidence. I never had any desire to become a frontman growing up but now that I am, it's a lot of fun. Stevie, our bass player, might sing a couple of songs on the next CD and we might have a special guest vocalist on one song just to add some spice to the mix. Should be interesting."

Q: You obviously have an affinity for the blues, as everyone will hear on the final track (of the debut album), 'Hot Rod'.

Fraser: "The blues is everything that rock n' roll is based on. It's all about emotion and putting it out there, warts and all. My first concert when I was 13 was Rory Gallagher opening for the DOOBIE BROTHERS. Rory is an incredible blues guitarist that blew my mind that night. His tone and vibrato was unreal. I immediately went out and hunted for anything on Rory Gallagher and really discovered the blues from him. I like the blues when there's an edge to it instead of the more traditional blues. I like guys that can rock out like Frank Marino, Robin Trower, Jimmy Page. We went for that old honky tonk blues feel for 'Hot Rod', bringing back those memories of playing in some biker bar and everybody is dancing on the table drunk and having the time of their life!"

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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