RON JARZOMBEK - New Interview Available

November 12, 2008, 15 years ago

news riff notes ron jarzombek

Lamentations Of The Flame Princess have posted a lenghty in-depth interview with legendary Texas-based guitarist RON JARZOMBEK.

Topics discussed range from Jarzombek's latest venture, BLOTTED SCIENCE, also featuring bassist Alex Webster (CANNIBAL CORPSE, HATE ETERNAL) and drummer Charlie Zeleny (BEHOLD... THE ARCTOPUS, JORDAN RUDESS), and the application of Jarzombek's advanced 'Circle Of 12 Tones' writing system, to his dislike for jazz and forthcoming DVD.

To read the interview, conducted by Matt Johnsen click here.

In related news, Ron Jarzombek recently recorded a guest guitar solo for German technical death metallers OBSCURA, whose Relapse Records debut, Cosmogenesis, is due out in early 2009.

In addition, Ron is also featured on the song 'Jato Unit' off NEVERMORE guitarist JEFF LOOMIS' solo album, Zero Order Phase, and makes an appearance on THE FRACTURED DIMENSION's newly released Towards the Mysterium.

Jarzombek's instructional DVD is tentatively scheduled for a spring 2009 release.

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