CHILDREN OF BODOM To Team Up With CANNIBAL CORPSE For Blooddrunks Crawling Over Your Eu Tour 2009
November 12, 2008, 16 years ago
CHILDREN OF BODOM is teaming up with the death metal legends CANNIBAL CORPSE and DIABLO for a full scale European tour. Blooddrunks Crawling Over Your Eu Tour 2009 dates are as follows:
1 - Stadtgarden - Erfurt, Germany3 - Backstage - München, Germany
7 - Syma Hall - Budapest, Hungary
8 - Gasometer - Wien, Austria
10 - Alcatraz - Milan, Italy
12 - Paradiso - Amsterdam, Netherlands
19 - Forum - London, UK
26 - Sentrum Scene - Oslo, Norway
27 - Tyrol - Stockholm, S